On the Vestas website there is a handy little map that helps you to find their offices nearest to you (admittedly, in some parts of the world, that could be several hundred miles away). See their global reach and maybe organise a protest… they are taking the Newport, IoW occupiers to court this Wednesday 29 July.
The occupiers – or, more likely, their representatives appear at Newport County Court at 10.15 am. There will be a support demonstration outside the court.
Wherever you are, if you do hold a protest or a meeting or just get together with a group of friends to talk about this, please send us a picture or a report. You can email it to savevestas@googlemail.com or post it as a comment.
Don’t forget to sign the petitions: 10 Downing Street website and Friends of the Earth website.
[Republished from Save Vestas blog]