Tuesday 29 July 2008

Socialism Today

John Molyneux speaks and answers questions on "Socialism Today" at a public forum.

Recorded July 27th 2008, Citrus Cafe, Portsmouth, England.


Anonymous said...

John I think your comment about climate change (or global warming as the phrase you chose to use)indicates that you have not fully read the climate change books, the pamphlet you mentioned, or Johnathon Neale's, George Monbiot, Kate Evans or any of the other Socialist books on climate change available. Indeed the major capitalists should change to improve the atmosphere but to say that no-one should change their carbon footprint is absurd or is it because yours is great by the amount of air travel or by the amount of pollution you create by always using your car instead of public transport.
The SWP argument for joining in other people's struggles is to build a socialist movement and to educate people then how come the same principle is not adopted for the most important issue so far- climate change?

Anonymous said...

To the "Anonymous" person who commented about climate change. Well, Im really sorry to say this but I think you have miss understood the whole idea about climate change.

Generally, whenever you have a problem, you need to go to the source of the problem in order to solve it. So for instance, if u have a water leakage, and you walk into the house and the water has covered the entire house, you do not walk in to ever one of ur friend's rooms and say do you part and stop the water entering your room. Instead, you would call a plummer to stop the leakage in the pipe and then perhaps you would address the issue of getting rid of the mess created in the rooms.

So the issue of climate change is simillar to this. The arguement that people should somehow, recycle or install more insulation to solve climate change is the wrong way to address it. The cause of climate change is the burning of fossile fuels by MNC & people who drive cars. If we exchange this source of energy for another (like wind turbines & cars based on for instance hydrogen) not only will this begin to turn the process of climate change back, it will mean that people who for instance use electricity generated by fossile fuel or drive cars powered by petrol, would simply switch to this alternative (if the prices is right), and in affect alter their foot print. In another sense, the people's foot print is the effect and not the cause of "climate change" or "global warmming".

Lastly, we need to be very careful about how we address the issue of climate change. If we address the problem by arguing that people should alter their foot print, then we would find ourselves in a situation where we blame one another just as the person who began to blame John for driving his car. One of the major problems with the argument about John driving a car is that it does not address the issue about public transport, which is extremely poor.

Anonymous said...

sorry but I think you have misunderstood my blogg. I agree that that one of the causes of climate change is the burning of fossil fuels by MNC & people who drive cars alongside the natural climate changes that have been happening forever. You do not make clear however who you are wanting to clean up the mess? you wrote 'if u have a water leakage, and you walk into the house and the water has covered the entire house, you do not walk in to ever one of ur friend's rooms and say do you part and stop the water entering your room. Instead, you would call a plummer to stop the leakage in the pipe and then perhaps you would address the issue of getting rid of the mess created in the rooms'. Who are you saying we should tell???????
God? Brown? Bush?
To gain people's interest and to build a momentum it should begin at home and maybe start addressing Agenda 21 and how it affects portsmouth and what little the PCC have done to address it.
As the SWP states a movement needs to be built and that is by gaining interest and yes that starts at home or shall we all drive as much as possible and not campaign for subsidised transport etc? or shall we carry on filling as much crap into our bins as possible without a care in the world and think thats not our problem its too major to start off at home? or shall we carry on flying in planes here there and everywhere being as informed as we are- sorry but I have a conscience as have many many other people- try going to some of the conferences on climate change or festivals they are very informative